Tuesday, April 3, 2012

TBN...good or bad?

This week I was challenged to look and research the Trinity Broadcasting Network. When I heard this name, I had no idea what this organization was about or who they are. After looking at their website, I recognized their crest. This organization has been known for their movies, television stations, and programs. They have made a big impact on our culture.

As I started my research of this organization, I decided to listen and watch some of the programs they have filmed over the years. I thought it was interesting because a lot of what they said I agreed with. A lot of it was glorifying  the name of Jesus with their voices and their words. They would sit and discuss issues and topics through a biblical prospective as they interviewed many ministers and important people. Over all, it felt like a good organization but before I went too far, I wanted to research its beginnings.

The Trinity Broadcasting Network was founded by Jan Crouch, Paul Crouch, and Tammy Bakker in 1973. Its main mission was to be the largest Christian Network to spread Christianity throughout the whole world. After years of ups and downs with finical issues and other setbacks along the way, they are now broadcasting their programs over hundreds of channels. The interesting thing is the network allows protestants, catholics, and messianic Jews to all talk on their programs. This could lead to a lot of different views on different subjects because of the vast difference in the beliefs of some of these men and women.

As I was reading through some of the information I found, I read something about the TBN being accused of prosperity gospel. For those of you who do not know what this means, it is when someone encourages others to give money to the church in order to get a reward later on. Now I believe part of this is true because God says that if you do good works for others in His name, you will be rewarded eternal life with him. I disagree with this if it means if you do good now, you will get a noneternal  thing in return. That is what I don't agree with.

I challenge anyone who reads this to post their thoughts on this network. I believe TBN has done lots of good in spreading the gospel but I do not know all of specifics and would love to know more. If anyone has any other information they would like to share please comment.

Further information on TBN-
Home Website
History of TBN
Shows broadcasted (Praise the Lord)

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